A desmostylid skull was found in 1986 by the late farmer Mr. Wataru Yoshiba in his rice field in Goheikubo, Shibahara, Ogawa-cho Town, Fukushima Prefecture. The outcrop lies within early Miocene Goyasu formation. The skull consists of a nearly complete proximal palatine, parietal stylohyoideum and mandibles, an incisor and seven molars. View abstract. Two mandibles of fossil mysticetes from the early Pliocene, upper part of the Horokaoshirarika Formation at Numata Town, Hokkaido, Japan, belong to the archaic, extinct cetotheriid baleen whale, Herpetocetinae, gen. et sp. indet. by having an elongated angular process projecting posteriorly beyond the mandibular condyle.
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