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• Hisham Matar - In the Country of Men • Colm Toibin - Brooklyn • Henning Mankell - Faceless Killers • Val McDermid - A Place of Execution • Boris Akunin - The Winter Queen • Jo Nesbo - The Redbreast • Javier Cercas - Soldiers of Salamis • PJ O'Rourke - Eat the Rich • Bernhard Schlink - The Reader • Damon Galgut - The Good

I suspect many men who have buried their fathers feel the same…I live, as we all live, in the aftermath.”—Hisham Matar, on how it feels when a kidnapped parent disappears, never seen again. In this memoir, Hisham Matar at last tells his own story and the aftermath of his father’s disappearance and detention at the Abu-Salim Prison, one of the most …

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5. ヒシャーム・マタール(Hisham Matar)著『The Return: Fathers, Sons and the Land in Between』 オバマ氏は言う。 「リビアの現代史と、カダフィの刑務所で姿を消した父親を探す、著者の粘り強い冒険の旅がバランスよく描かれた、素晴らしい回顧録」 6.